poker work in Chinese
- 焦笔画
- 烙花术
- 烙画
- "poker" in Chinese : n. 【纸牌】扑克。 poker face 一本正经的面 ...
- "work" in Chinese : n. 1.工作,操作,劳动,作业;工件;功课;努力;行为 ...
- "poker" in Chinese : n. 1.戳火的人;火钳,拨火棍。 2.烙划用具。 3.〔英俚〕(牛津、剑桥 ...
- "a poker face" in Chinese : 面无表情
- "a poker school" in Chinese : 一伙打扑克的人
- "as stiff as a poker" in Chinese : 生硬, 刻板
- "as straight as a poker" in Chinese : 非常直, 笔直
- "by the holy poker" in Chinese : 一定
- "caribbean poker" in Chinese : 加勒比海扑克
- "chinese poker" in Chinese : 十三张; 十三支
- "eumatic poker" in Chinese : 风动搅料杆
- "gas poker" in Chinese : n. 煤气点火棒。
- "general poker" in Chinese : 扑克综合
- "ladbrokes poker" in Chinese : 立博扑克
- "lifting poker" in Chinese : 升降杆
Other Languages
- "poker work" meaning: noun Work done by burning a design into wood ...
- "poker work" meaning in Japanese: poker wòrk 焼き絵(術)《焼いた鉄で木や皮に絵を描く》.
- "poker work" meaning in French: pyrogravure
"poker bridge" in Chinese, "poker drawing" in Chinese, "poker bonus" in Chinese, "poker face" in Chinese, "gas poker" in Chinese, "eumatic poker" in Chinese, "poker vibrator" in Chinese, "poker picture" in Chinese, "poker faced" in Chinese, "poker rod" in Chinese, "poker spine" in Chinese, "poker test" in Chinese, "poker-faced" in Chinese, "poker-faced; expressionless" in Chinese, "poker; cleaning rod" in Chinese, "pokerbar" in Chinese, "pokern" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of poker work in Chinese and how to say poker work in Chinese? poker work Chinese meaning, poker work的中文,poker work的中文,poker work的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by